Sunday, 28 August 2011

Singer Lessons

I've had an old Singer sewing machine for a while which I bought mainly because it looks really nice. It was built in 1900 in Clydebank near Glasgow and is the type which you operate using a foot treadle. Dave's parents were visiting today and I mentioned that I was planning to let people have a go during Perthshire Open Studios which is now only a week away and that I needed Dave to fix the bobbin winder which has never worked since I've had it. Much to my surprise Dave's dad said he remembers his mum having the same model when he was young and how he was an expert user. He then set about figuring out why it didn't work. He and Dave spent about an hour mumbling to each other in a language only engineers understand while figuring out how each bit should work, surprisingly without any swearing. Anyway they did fix it and managed to wind thread onto the bobbin, slightly oily thread, but you can't have everything. Then it was my turn and of course I set off backwards and it all went wrong. After a few more attempts I did get the hang of it and wound some more thread on the bobbin this time minus the oil. I don't think Dave's dad was impressed with my technique but I think he has an advantage with his size 12 feet. I'm now trying to persuade him to do the demo's during Open Studios.

Monday, 22 August 2011

Back from the Festival of Quilts

I'm now back from the Festival of Quilts. We had a fun and interesting day checking out all the exhibitors and admiring the talented quilter's handywork. Much to Dave's relief I didn't spend too much, but did bring home a few metres of Amy Butler fabric which I plan to make into some lovely tunic tops.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Ready, Set, GO!

My long awaited Accuquilt GO! arrived today. If you've not seen one before this is a machine for cutting fabric shapes for quilting and applique and looks a bit like a mangle. You can select from a huge number of dies which cut a variety of shapes. To use you simply put your fabric on the die, pass it through the machine by cranking the handle and your shapes pop out of the other side. I've bought a range of dies and I'm having to resist cutting all of my fabrics into shapes all at once. It should make my own quilting quicker and easier and I plan to offer shapes for sale and a cutting service for your own fabrics. Look out for details of this service on the website soon.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Festival of Quilts

Well, I've just booked train tickets and a hotel for a little excursion this weekend. My mum and I are heading down to Birmingham to The Festival of Quilts at the NEC. Now everything is finalised I'm getting quite excited about it. I'm sure I'll come back with loads of ideas and hopefully a few bargains.

Saturday, 6 August 2011

P-P-P-Pick up a Penguin

I've picked up a great pattern from Melly & Me called Penguin Parade to make... yep, you guessed it, Penguins! They're absolutely fantastic and look soooo cute. The only thing is, as soon as I do their eyes, I can't stop laughing at the look on their little faces. It's making it really hard to sew straight!

Don't believe me? Can you look at this photo without giggling?

Polly, Pippa & Pete waiting to get stitched & stuffed

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Going round in circles

I've been going round in circles all week, fortunately all for a good cause. I've been working on a new quilt decorated with dresden wheels. This is the first quilt I have done with circles so I was a bit apprehensive when I started but I've managed to get the hang of it without any major mishaps... so far. The photo shows me sewing one of the nine panels which will make up the front of the quilt. The next job is to sew them all together. I'll post another photo when it's finished.

Monday, 1 August 2011

Barony Fabrics ebay shop

Dave has been busy this weekend setting up an ebay shop for me. All of the behind the scenes bit is done to get the set up right including all of the info we need to comply with the Distance Selling Regs. It all sounds a bit scary when it's written down but really all it means is that you have the right to return something bought online and get a refund. Everyone who sells online in the UK has to tell people about it on their website. It's actually quite surprising how many don't do it.

Dave is still working away adding our fat quarter bundles but it's starting to look really good. You can check it out at