Monday, 6 July 2009

Barony Reaches New Heights (8m high to be precise)

Oh ,What Have I Done?
I've really excelled in my stupidity. Yup, I've really done it this time. A couple of months back I was watching the news on Channel 4 and on came an item on Anthony Gormley's new project about using the Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square as a living art installation and calling it 'One & Other'. (click on the link to watch the Internet stream live, 24 hours a day)
Well, I thought I'll enter and show my support for the whole project (maybe get a couple of update emails, a link to a blog page, yadda yadda ya) never thinking for a second that out of the so many thousands that would enter I would be picked.
Darn 'n' Blast it, bloomin' random generator computers...I WAS PICKED! (OMG, I now have that butterfly in the stomach, slightly sickie and cold wobbly feeling all over me then on flip side I've a beaming smile from ear to ear, that's making my cheeks ache) and in the first week, only 4 days into the 100 days.
This week, Thursday 9th July 9:00am - 10:00, I will be standing on top of the Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square. I've had the confirmation email and the short phone interview (well it went on for about 40 mins - short, huh?). And the fear of God put in me by the interviewer - 'Now you know you will be part of history here? And as you are taking part only 4 days into the 100 days the world media will still be very interested. I hope you are not going to back out and let everyone down' Oh, the pressure!
Then... He wanted to know what I'll be doing on the Plinth. I said 'Oh, I don't know... nothing, possibly? There was a lot of discussion about the possibility of soap making on the plinth - not possible as I need electricity so I decided that I could make Bath Bombs (weather permitting! Don't know what I'll do if it's raining).
I'll be making my Crieff Cranachan Bath Bombs and will be taking all the ingredients from Perthshire. Bit worried about taking Bicarbonate of Soda and Citric Acid and whisky in a backpack down to London. Dodgy Looking Couple + Rucksack + White powder + London Underground = A police investigation if ever I've heard one. It's bad enough worrying about the scary amount of Sodium Hydroxide for soap making in my workshop. I'm just waiting to be asked to explain myself (he he).
I've now watched a bit of the live streaming of the event and at the moment a lady is releasing sponsored balloons for charity.
Things worrying me about the whole thing
  • The trains: late, cancelled... crash (if it's going to happen to anyone it's going to be me!)
  • The sudden realisation I have vertigo once lifted onto the 4.4m x 1.7m, 8m high Plinth for an hour.
  • The weather - Bath Bombs fizz when wet, my professional reputation is in the balance here.
  • Pigeon Poo! (nuf said)
  • Away out on left field but has been worrying Dave a lot, a mad gunman taking pot shots at me on a very exposed platform in the middle of a big city. Now I'm worrying.

Feel free to add to my neuroses or give me some ideas as how to fill the hour.

I'm hoping to get an I-Phone before Thursday so I can take some photo and blog to you lot while I'm up there. Dave will be videoing it all. More soon....

Claire 'now look what you've done' Robertson

P.s I'm secretly really, really excited and really chuffed to be part of it all.

1 comment:

Buy Design said...

Oh Claire I just had a look at the link to the plinth. Will be praying for fine weather and a strong bladder. Sorry, there's another thing to worry about. Really hope it goes well for you and and you have a blast. Not literally of course!!! Don't mention bombs. Call them fizzers.