Thursday, 9 July 2009

What am I doing here?

I'm nearly there now so better explain what I will be doing.

I will be making some of my Crieff Chranachan bath bombs, containing raspberry and vanilla scents, scots porridge oats and famous grouse whisky.

Weather is fine so hopefully it will go ok.


Anonymous said...

You are doing fine. And you are very attractive too, by the way. :) I can understand why it has to be nervewracking though. Anonymous to very non-anonymous.

Anonymous said...

... I'm watching you make and toss your soap off the plinth; very cool! Amazing opportunity & I think you'll get some amazing publicity out of this...I'm an American living in Germany myself.

7thDav said...

Hi saw you on the plinth, weather great, caught the website name, hope many others did, good luck. David from Maidstone

Unknown said...

The bath bombs look lovely! Looking forward to your write-up of your hour on the plinth.

Bluedog said...

Hi there - we met at a Dunning self-catering event earlier this year.

Just dipping into "One and Other" web feed - as you do, and here is the Scottish Soap Lady - amazing. (caught your last 5 mins)

It looks rather high up and a bit of a narrow platform to be stuck on with no railing.

But well done.

My sister in law is taking a turn later this month!